PTA - The Friends of Booker Hill
Registered Charity no: 1020801
How does the PTA benefit the school?
Who are the PTA Committee Members?
We hold regular meetings (about once a half term) and all parents and carers are welcome to join. If you would like to enquire more or join our friendly team, please email us on:
Our present committee members are:
- Chairperson - Elizabeth Stillman
- Vice-Chairperson - Haris Rahim
- Secretary - Sophie Hellmuth
- Vice-Secretary - Jo Rogers
- Treasurer - Jo Rogers
- Alison Clements
- Melissa Francis
- Charlotte Olding
- Lloyd Salmon
- Gemma Stafford
- Katy Thomson
Money Raised This Year So Far
Winter Disco | £430.28 |
Krispy Kreme Sale | £106.35 |
Raisin Boxes | £160.35 |
Leap Year Mufti Day | £170.20 |
Read-a-thon | £351.00 |
Y1&2 Cake Sale | £63.00 |
Spring Disco | £434.05 |
EYFS Cake Sale | £163.22 |
A BIG THANK YOU to all the pupils, parents and carers for their efforts and contributions - of both time and money!
Upcoming PTA dates
* (The PTA dates are colour coded pink - please make a note of them in your diaries!)